
For us the protection of your privacy is very important. We will never disclose your data to a third party and obey the strict German privacy laws.

The usage of this website is possible without giving us any data. If you enter personal data it is always by choice and we will never force you to do so. We will never hand over your data to a third party without your consent.

We should point out that data transmission on the internet (for example using E-Mail) can be compromised. A complete protection can't be guaranteed.


This page is using cookies. Cookies are small textfiles that are stored on your computer when you visit a website. Cookies don't harm your computer and can't contain viruses. Those cookies will help us to make the page a more effective experience for you.

Most of our cookies are so called "session cookies". Those will be stored on your computer to make it possible to keep you logged into the page when you revisit it.

You can configure your browser that it notices you about cookies to allow them only for specific websites. Alternatively you can configure your browser to delete all cookies when you close it. If you deactivate cookies for this site some parts of the site can't be used anymore.


The provider of this page stores some data in so called server log files. Those files will include data your browser will send to us automatically. For example:

  • Browser type and version
  • used operating system
  • Referrer
  • URL
  • Host name of your computer
  • Time and date of your request

This data is not assignable to a specific person. There is no consolidation with data from other sources that would make this possible. We will check the log files if we have concrete evidence for illegal usage of the site.

Contact form

If you use the contact form, we will store the data sent in that form to answer you question. The information will never be shared with a third party without your consent.


If you opt in for our newsletter we will share your email address with our newsletter provider. We are using Mailchimp. The privacy explanation of Mailchimp can be found here.

If you want to delete your data from Mailchimp, follow the unsubscribe link in our newsletter.


We are using a company called JWPlayer to be able to show you the videos. Their privacy explanation can be found here.

Google ReCaptcha

To detect bos, for example in our forms, we use ReCaptcha by Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. The privacy policy of Google can be found here:,


This site is using encryption to secure the data you are sending while using this site. The address bar of your web browser should show you a "https://" instead of a "http" at the start of the url.

While ssl is active, no third party can read the data that is transmitted to us.

Request for information or deletion

You have the right to ask us what data we store about you on our server. We will provide that information for free. We also will delete all data that is stored about you on our servers if you request us to do so. If you have any question about your data or your privacy, feel free to contact us using the address in the imprint or the contact form.